I’ve Been Looking For A Punchbag All Day
Medium ········ acrylic paint on canvas
Exhibited········Listastofan, RVK, 2018
Exhibited········Listastofan, RVK, 2018
They said the paintings were loud and I liked it
Aggressive colors, sharp textures, glue and all kinds of shiny items. I used all the sorts of paint I could find but most of the paintings are a combination of acrylic paint, glue, glitter and oil sticks. In this exhibition I explored aggression and treated every painting like an individual fight. The resolution of those individual fights is one big scared central piece titled "The Empty Orchestra".
"We love all of our children the same. I am afraid this is not true. Perhaps the reason why I only have one.
I feel bad for the paintings I don't love. Each one is a battle and sometimes I win and sometimes I loose. Some disappoint me, and some make me proud. I hide the ones that disappoint me but I feel guilty. Should I give up on them or try harder?
Maybe trying to change them into something they are not is a dead end. Maybe just like humans they have their own identity and they will find a loving person who sees the beauty in them. Maybe they are garbage. Adopt a painting if you love him but some are not up for grabs because I love them too much."
I feel bad for the paintings I don't love. Each one is a battle and sometimes I win and sometimes I loose. Some disappoint me, and some make me proud. I hide the ones that disappoint me but I feel guilty. Should I give up on them or try harder?
Maybe trying to change them into something they are not is a dead end. Maybe just like humans they have their own identity and they will find a loving person who sees the beauty in them. Maybe they are garbage. Adopt a painting if you love him but some are not up for grabs because I love them too much."
The Empty Orchestra, 100x100cm, acrylic paint and glitter on canvas, 2018